Centre for Well-being and Self-Discovery through the horses’ eyes™
Écurie Shamanica Stable
Inner awakening
From Heart and Soul
Letting yourself be guided by your heart is also the way to find total clarity for yourself.
An interesting phenomenon occurs when you use your heart as a gauge instead of your head.
Things become simpler.
What no longer serves you will fall like a shower of autumn leaves around your feet.

Transform your everyday life with simple yet powerful tools
Discover how to change your everyday life
Discover how to manifest change in your life
Discover how to free yourself from the burdens that weigh on your shoulders.
Vision of the horse
The themes of each stage are orchestrated by the horses according to the energy and needs of the group at the moment.
Gently guided to leave with tools, a clearer vision and a sense of freedom.
Mindfulness meditation
My heart speaks to me
The awakening of my dreams
Pushing your limits by gently breaking down barriers
"From Heart to Soul"
Through gestural communication, the horses will guide you to better listen to your heart. Together, we work on the points that the horses will share to help you better resolve the unconscious or conscious blocks that prevent you from reaching your dreams and goals daily.
This workshop will transform your life, make your inner self shine and bring your power to the fore.
Facilitated by Christine Tupper, life path coach.
"I listen to my heart"
"When you take the time to give your heart and soul full attention and listening, they'll really start to speak to you."
"I Am"
"I discover my true potential by freeing myself from the burdens that weigh me down"
"Life is a Game"
"Discovering your inner child"
The horses will guide you to understand how to be more in tune with yourself,
accompanying you step by step for the best of your well-being.
You will:
Live a unique and revealing experience,
Become aware of your own space,
Broaden your horizons and your understanding of how to regain inner well-being,
Discover aspects of yourself that influence your daily life, and which are reflected in those around you,
Connect with your inner power!
The workshop takes place outdoors in the midst of the herd.
Time:10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (lunch break)
Price $605.00 per person (taxes included)
What's included :
snacks, beverages, working documents, coaching, experiential coaching with horses
Bring your own lunch!
Here are the dates:
Sept 14 2024 - Click here to reserve
To get the most out of this workshop, the number of participants is limited to 4.
No experience is required, all work takes place on the floor
Payment method: PayPal
Please note that to reserve your place, payment is required in advance.
It is possible to organize your own group on a date that suits you.
I invite you to continue with private consultations. Private consultations are determined according to your needs.

Hello, my name is Christine Tupper, I am the founder of the Wellness Centre through the Horses’ Eyes, Écurie Shamanica and creator of the method Wellness and Self-Discovery through the Horses' eyes. I help people rediscover their inner well-being and power by coaching them with my herd of horses, who take them on a journey of healing and inner well-being. As horses perceive needs in real time, each step unfolds to unlock their highest potential to achieve their personal and professional goals, and to succeed with new tools for a better life.
Dress codes
Dress according to weather and season: vest, raincoat, coat, hat, cap, boots, shoes, gloves.
You must wear, closed-toe footwear (running shoes, boots) at all times, without exception.
N.B.: Sandals of any style or model and canvas shoes are not permitted near horses.
Codes of etiquette around horses
It is not permitted to bring food into the horse kingdom, nor to give fruit or treats to horses, even though it’s tempting. Follow the safety instructions that have been explained and demonstrated to you.
We look forward to sharing our experience with you!
2024 © by Christine Tupper/ Centre de Bien-être à travers les yeux des chevaux™ /Écurie Shamanica / Shamanica Bien-être Holistique